
(03) 5775542

11 Seymour Street, Blenheim, Marlborough 7201


(03) 5775542

11 Seymour Street, Blenheim, Marlborough 7201

New Entrants, Year 1
Kākano is the Māori word meaning seed.
It is the name given to the seed of the harakeke (flax) plant.
At Blenheim School, Kākano is our junior class. It is where
our young learners begin their learning journey.
We believe that our Kākano learners start small and will
Grow into future-focused learners with Respect, Initiative
and Tenacity — GRIT.
Kia tupu ākonga manaaki, kakama, hiringa hoki mō ināianei,
mō āpōpō.


Our Tamariki

YEAR 1 and Year 2
Koru is the Māori word meaning first shoot from the seed.
It is the name given to the shoot of the harakeke (flax) plant.
At Blenheim School, Koru is our second class. It is where our young learners continue to build on the foundations of
their learning journey. We believe that our Koru learners continue to build in strength and will Grow into future-focused learners with Respect, Initiative and Tenacity — GRIT.
Kia tupu ākonga manaaki, kakama, hiringa hoki mō ināianei,
mō āpōpō.

Year 3 and Year 4
Rito is the Māori word meaning the first flax leaves.
It is the name given to the young leaves of the harakeke
(flax) plant.
At Blenheim School, Rito is our middle class. It is where our learners continue to develop and build as learners.
We believe that our Rito learners start to become stronger learners and leaders and will Grow into future-focused learners with Respect, Initiative and Tenacity — GRIT.
Kia tupu ākonga manaaki, kakama, hiringa hoki mō ināianei,
mō āpōpō.

YEARS 5 & 6
Harakeke is the Māori word meaning the fully-grown flax plant.
It is the name given to the strong, developed harakeke (flax) plant.
At Blenheim School, Harakeke is our senior class. It is where
our learners complete their learning journey with us and
prepare to start their next journey.
We believe that our Harakeke learners will be confident learners and leaders and will continue to Grow into future-focused learners with Respect, Initiative and Tenacity — GRIT.
Kia tupu ākonga manaaki, kakama, hiringa hoki mō ināianei,
mō āpōpō.